My liver...
I KNOW I've not posted in ages but I've been really busy. Really very busy.
Last Friday, I went to Gust night at Magdalen. The food was delicious, all 5 courses and the wine was plentiful. For part of dinner, I had a cock sitting next to me but after we swapped around for dessert, all was well. After dinner, we went to the MCR for mulled wine and I bumped into Chris the South African rugby player and Max, his hot friend I've been corresponding with on Facebook. It was good fun. Jamie, who I know from Caius is one of the MCR Social Secs. and we had a good long chat about how superior Oxford is to Cambridge. After the MCR, some guy from New College MCR we'd been chatting to suggested to go to the Bop there so we did. We're such sheep when alcohol is involved. At the Bop I chatted to random people, stumbled down some stairs bonded with some random American chick who lives opposite me(!) and then went to New College MCR (the ugliest MCR I've been in). That was good fun too.
Finally staggered back home around 4 and looked at my phone when I got up. Noticed I had dialled a number I didn't recognise and texted it saying "Hullo, who are you?". The person replied with their name and asked who I am. Anyway, 8 text messages later, we were having coffee at QI...he turned out to be very pleasant but I was slightly put off as he went to have a shit during our chat. Catastrophic situation.
On Saturday, Mark was in town and Annie, Allyn, Alice, another Mark and I went out on the town. It was pleasant but terribly, terribly alcoholic.
It was the German's birthday on Friday so we went to The Duke for cocktails, dinner at Branca and then cake at the house. Saturday, we were inundated with Germans and assorted non-native speakers of English,, most of whom were catastrophically rude and lacked social skills to am ost alarming degree. Disaster.
On Sunday, I went to the carol service at Magdalen with Barnaby and James and then to Pizza Express for dinner then back to Magdalen MCR for a drink.
This morning, I did something to my back whilst Russian rowing and I am going to sue my boatclub like the good North American I am.
Currently listening to Untouchable by Rialto
The new Harry Potter film isn't as good as previous ones. Snape and McGonagall have the best lines in the book but in the film they get nothing. NOTHING. Potter is an annoying little shit and Ron is incredibly wet and should be made to stop saying "git" and "hell". fucking cock. Dumbledore's accent occilates between Oirish, English and American and he's not the loveable, wooly headed wizard he is in the books. Not he just comes across as a paedophile. Yuck.
Q- What comes in a posh box?
A- David Beckham.
I laughed for days.
Now listening to: Just Can't Get Enough by Nouvelle Vague