And so, there's this thing...: 'Friday' is the most beautiful...

Friday, December 02, 2005

'Friday' is the most beautiful...

word in the English language.

Well, it feels like it this week.

Had the most tedious meeting this morning with some very provincial people. I mean, have these people been to school?

Once again, it's happened...

A likes B
B likes C
C doesn't like B
B won't even look at anyone else but C.
and D just smells.

Catastrophic situation.

Currently listening to: Mr Burton by Amateur Transplants

Will someone in Washington DC please headhunt me? PLEASE?

I'm addicted to this stuff. I've been drinking it like water.

I am not as cruel as Max. Who is teasing one of my great friends mercilessly.

I am not as raunchy as MarketM. Who would like to get raunchy with me. But I keep saying 'no'.

I also don't have time to post or complete those ridiculous quizzes of which they are so fond.

This takes up all my waking hours.

Yet another black tie dinner to attend this evening. Everyone wants a piece of me. That's what comes of being a charming, amusing, attractive guest.

Now listening to: All I Need Is A Miracle by Mike and the Mechanics


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