And so, there's this thing...: Our House...

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Our House...

Sometimes, it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and remove all doubt.

A truer word was never spoken.

Just thought I'd pass those words of wisdom on. Nothing at all to do with my weekend though.
The weekend was interesting. On Saturday, the German and I interviewed potential housemates. Of the 26 people who responded to the ad, we invited 10 for interview. 2 came on Wednesday and the rest on Saturday. Apart from one of them, they were all reasonably pleasant. Yep, only 1 freak. I was responsible for arranging interviews so I of course only invited the ones I thought would be fit. And male.

I did let 'Ingrid' come see the house and meet us though. I was expecting a buxom German or Scandinavian. Tall, leggy blond, enormous get the idea. Instead, Ingrid turned out to be a vertically challenged Taiwanese female. Yuck. Don't get me wrong. I have a lot of time for the Taiwanese. They are a noble people. I do all in my power to buy cut-rate goods manufactured by young, underpaid children who should be at school but instead are slaving away in factories.
Anyway, Ingrid was catastrophic. She rang me to say 'I am at your house. Please can you open the door'. Why didn't the bint ring the bell? I thought to myself. I opened the door to not find her. I walked to the pavement to see her standing about 5 doors away with a man. I beckoned them over and sat them down in the living room. Had a brief chat and showed her the kitchen and garden. Took her upstairs to show her the bathroom and the room in question. 'Only 1 bathroom?'. Erm, no. There is another one but it's invisible to all but me. Moron. After raising objections to wireless broadband, parties/noise, drinking, she announced 'I will take this room'. Like fuck you will, I thought. I mumbled something about having more people to see and that we'd be in touch on Sunday. 'How can I secure this room?'. I will sign the lease today.'. No you fucking won't. Finally got rid of her. We didn't even bother making notes or awarding her a score. We just topped up our pink G&Ts and shook our heads in disbelief that people like that existed outside the realms of fiction.


Blogger The Dog of Freetown said...

I think I have to object to her taking the name Ingrid - that's cultural theft and false advertsing.

I showed a man round my old flat in May who wouldn't make eye contact with me. He smelled of wee and when I asked him what he did for a living he just said "night work". Naturally I jumped at the chance to have him move in but sadly the landlord wouldn't let him on account of the fact that he wanted to use his watch as a deposit.

Meeting potential flatmates is actually pretty entertaining - it's probably worth doing when you have no intention of renting a room out anyway.

11:41 AM  

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