I protest...
On Friday, I dined at Magdalen (again) and then went to Green College for a bop. It was awfully good fun. I had more luridly coloured 'cocktails' than I care to remember (or rather, than I can remember). Danced the night away (i.e., lurched around the dancefloor) and managed to stagger home around 2am.
Saturday started off pleasantly enough. I slept in, had lovely fresh pasta for breakfast (I was craving carbohydrate and there was nothing else in the house), went into town to support the Pro-Test protest and stayed to mock and jeer the SPEAK protest. Do people not understand?
Headed to London to meet up with Mark K for dinner and drinks. It started off alright but 5 hours later, deteriorated. I'm not one to slag people off so I won't go into details here...
On Sunday, went to the service at the University Church of St Mary the Virgin (SMV). James was singing there as usual and it was a special service in honour of the 20th anniversary of Cannon M at SMV. Had a marvellous organic lunch provided by the Vaults Cafe (I have to go there more often. It is seriously good. If only the portions weren't so small...).
Relaxed for the rest of the day then went to evensong at Exeter (HUGE freakin' mistake) and then RAN to Magdalen to meet Phil and Annie with whom James and I were dining. Dinner was very pleasant and comprised a lovely béchamel sauce. I could eat béchamel sauce everyday and never grow tired of it.
Who the fuck came up with béchamel sauce? Flour and butter do not a sauce make.
Went to Mertons for a drink where we were joined by Max and Sophia. The barman was supremely charming and quite attractive and informed us that Amoretto despite tasting of almonds actually comes from apricots. Actually.
The crazy Belgian arrived back in the UK from Barbados this morning at 6am. Her even crazier sister and the sister's gormless boyfriend arrived last night from Cardiff so they could go down to the airport with the German to welcome her back.
A note about the boyfriend. What a freak. Watching him attempt spreading Nutella on a croissant this morning was the most hilarious thing I've seen in a long time. An enormous dollop of Nutella ended up on his face so he looked like he was into scat. None of us told him it was there though. Not hot at all, I'm afraid. And he's just so big and lumbering and STANK this morning. I almost fainted...it was all I could do to remain upright. I had to grip the edge of the kitchen counter. My knuckles were turning white. He asked if there was anything he could do and I barely managed to mutter through clenched teeth that everything was under control and why don't you sit down OVER THERE. Catastrophic situation. It was a good 5 minutes before the odour dissipated and I was able to breathe normally again.
So far today, I've drunk:
2 cups of tea (milk, no sugar)
1 cup of coffee
2 cups of fennel and liquorice
1 cup of apple and cinnamon tea (tastes and looks like urine)
3 litres of water (tap water is fine in this country)
I've been invited to a HIGH level meeting, lecture and reception at the British Council. Piccadilly is my spiritual home, afterall. The lecture is called "Of Academic Freedom" and is being given by Dr John Sexton the President of New York University. It's in association with CARA (Council for Assisting Refugee Academics). Should be interesting. Have arranged to meet up with Nat afterwards so even if it's shite it won't have been a total waste.
Currently listening to: Something by Castanets.