And so, there's this thing...: Now, where was I?

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Now, where was I?

I know, I know, I KNOW, it's been like, forever since I posted anything. But I'm back and I'm RARING to go.
You'd better put on your's going to be a bumpy ride. Yeah.

Well, Christmas has come and gone. It was chilled. I was in Oxford, all alone in my big, cold house. My only solace being an almost limitless supply of food and drink. It was magical.
On Christmas Day, I went to the service at the University Church ( It was appalling. The 'music' was catastrophic. It was all very amateurish, but it was a family service so was geared to little children and their proud parents. Sickening. ANYWAY, as anyone who knows me can attest, I HATE the bit of the service in which one offers a sign of friendship (The Peace). I usually just shake hands with the people immediately to my left and right and look menacingly at everyone else. I thought I'd gotten away with it on Christmas Day. But no. Some bint sitting behind me, jabbed her boney finger into my ribs and held out her hand. I grudgingly shook it (I'm no Scrooge, you see) and turned back to face the front. When the service was finally over, I got up to leave but was accosted by the bloody rib-digger. "So, tell me about you". "Fuck off" I thought. I mumbled something about me and tried to extricate myself from the situation. She was having none of it. She told me ALL about her, her husband and her daughter (who was at Cambridge when I was, but I didn't know her. She was at a THIRD rate College ( Anyway, short story, long, they invited me to have lunch with them and a visiting Columbian 'friend'. It all sounded quite dodgy but I said 'yes' regardless.
Whilst walking with them in Radcliffe Square I was overcome with horror at the predicament in which I now found myself. Fortunately, my phone rang just then to say I had a voicemail. It was Divine Intervention. Nothing less. Oh no. I prayed and the Lord heard my prayer. Whatever. WHATEVER. I used the phone call to say I had to leg it home asap. Whew.

For New Year's Eve, I went to a club called The Egg in King's Cross. Cassius was DJing as were Seb Fontaine and some other guy. It was good fun but very tiring. And not at all cheap.

Off to India in January. Went to Delhi, Jaipur, Agra, Bangalore and several smaller places in between. I didn't get ill at all. Nope. No soupy stools for me. No siree.

Back at work now and I'm finding it deeply tedious. Thank fu ck the weekend is almost here.

Currently listening to: This Modern Love by Bloc Party (

The Prime Minister, Tony Blair is in Oxford today. He's giving a talk or something at St Antony's College. I'd go but I'm ever so busy and my real friends require my presence elsewhere.

It has been ages since I've been in touch with:

Hot Bescher in D.C. ( I WILL call you back)
Johnny in Panama (I MIGHT visit you)
Brian in D.C. (I DEFINITELY will visit you (and Bescher)
Tuvia in London (you MUST come to Oxford)
Keith in, erm, Yorkshire somewhere (you don't love me anymore!)
Odette in B.C. (I still love you, I'm just a bitch about keeping in touch). Really.

Last Friday, James and I had drinks with Phil and his lady friend and then went on to St Anne's to celebrate Dave's birthday. It was hot. St Anne's College has a high proportion of very attractive people. Not terribly bright but pleasant to look at.

Last Saturday, I went to the Australia Day bop at St Antony's College with James, Max and Chris. We had dinner at Pizza Express first. It was very pleasant. Neither Max nor Chris had been before. They were amazed such places exist. They're from South Africa. Poor simple souls. At the bop, I bumped into Jenny and Aaron from John's. It was good to see them as I'd not seen them in AGES (I blame them entirely) and Jenny invited me to MCR exchange dinner next week. St John's is hosting Catz. The prince and the pauper...

On Sunday, Elly and Sam very kindly invited me to their place for lunch with Martin who was up from London. The German joined us later and the flirting going on between him and Martin was shocking. It was painful to watch. Practically pornographic.

Now listening to: Details of the War by Clap Your Hands Say Yeah.

I am so addicted to Facebook it is frightening. I'm also seriously in danger of becoming addicted to Friendster. Help!

On Monday, Christian, the German, Patty and I went to MCR Guest Night at Keble. It was very pleasant. I had Patty on one side which was very pleasant. We chatted about coffee enemas (highly recommended, apparently) and post anal intercourse bowel movements. Highly informative. On the other side, I had some American chick from Boston who was 'nice'. The type of friend your parents would have chosen for you as a child.

Since Monday, I have been working my lovely ass off at work and the gym.

Also, I have decided I ought to make more use of my super-duper computer. I had it upgraded with so much shit it is super-fast and super-powerful. I must be able to use it to make some money, no? Suggestions, please. I could always become an escort, I suppose.

Now listening to: Glory Box by John Martin

Someone has been foolish enough to consent to 'go out' with me. Fool.


Blogger OrlandoCatastrophic said...

Keble dinner was good fun. Lots of lovely booze and food. Shame about the company.


11:45 AM  

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