And so, there's this thing...: Row, row, row your boat...

Thursday, June 09, 2005

Row, row, row your boat...

Gently down the Isis...

I have my first outing in a boat today. Not my first ever but the first in a long time. I'm very excited. The only downside is that it's a 4. I HATE rowing in a 4. The only time I've ever capsized was when I was rowing in a 4.
I did tell the coach I've not rowed in a while. He'll probably be expecting someone of Steve Redgrave, Matthew Pinset, Rory Maxwell standard though. Bastard.

Quiche is a funny thing.

Currently listening to Supergirl by Reamon. Again. Fuck-off-good song.

Yesterday, Hot Bescher cooked dinner for me. It was delicious. I had my reservations as Bescher isn't generally known for his cullinary skills (unlike me). We watched Location, Location, Location. It's one of my favourite programmes. And Kirsty Allsop is hot. Despite the distinct lack of penis.

I went on an Assertivenenss Training course yesterday for 3 hours. Part II is in 2 weeks. It was the most ridiculous thing I've experienced in a long time. The trainer (I use the word loosely) looked like Shrek but with worse hair and was big on the Oprah school of assertiveness. Lots of 'I'm feeling...' and 'I don't appreciate it when...'. What a load of wank.
The thing is, everyone on the course (there were 12 of us) was lapping it up. Fools. They were all just so wet. WET.

Now listening to: Head Over Feet by Alanis Morisette. Canadian, you know...


I downed a pineapple Actimel (by Danone. Actually) this morning. If the adverts are to be believed I should be doing cartwheels all over Oxford.

I had a reasonably healthy lunch of swede, salad and quiche. I said REASONABLY.

I've limited my coffee intake to 3 cups and have drunk 3 litres of water.

1 banana

2 slices of toast made with flaxseed bread.

I'm really hungry though.


Does anyone care what I'm listenig to as I type? Too fecking bad.

Currently listening to: Summer of '69 by Bryan Adams. He's one of my people too, you know...


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