And so, there's this thing...: Regrets...I've had a few...

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Regrets...I've had a few...

My biggest regret at the mo, is having auditioned for this fucking play.
I wanted a SMALL part but now have an ENORMOUS part with hundreds of lines to learn.

I'm not very often wrong but...

-The play isn't at all amusing and it's supposed to be a comedy.

-The rest of the cast are nice people but incredibly dull and gauche.

-The director has completely lost the plot. The play is 3 (three?!) fucking hours long and doesn't start until 9:15. It's lit mostly by candlelight when it gets dark. Each act takes place in a different part of the garden and the audience moves en masse to each location. Now, in principal, this sounds good, but the gardens at Magdalen are huge. HUGE. People will not only be exhausted by the end (if they stay that long), they will be cold and bored...much like I am during rehearsals.

This evening, I'm having dinner with the male members of the cast. This ensures that we 'feed our sensation memories during rehearsals'. What the fuck?!

I must swear less. Yes or no? Thoughts, please...

Anyway, this whole acting lark was meant to be fun but instead it has become a chore. A CHORE.

Other things:

Tomorrow is the 3rd and final dinner-off. For those of you who don't know what this is: 6 friends and I decided to have a friendly culinary competition. There is an independent judge and 3 teams of 2. Each team has a vegetarian. Points out of 10 are awarded for food, presentation and atmosphere. The marks, with comments justifying the score, go to the independent judge who adds them up and announces the winning team a week after the final dinner.
The first dinner had a Shakespearan theme, being held on 23 April (Shakespeare's birthday) and the 2nd dinner had a Spanish peasants' revolt theme (for no obvious reason). Both were excellent. It's my turn to dazzle the guests tomorrow...and dazzled they wil be.

Have a look at and buy a t-shirt. The site is easy to use and the t-shirts are clever. I just hope they aren't GAP/obese American sized. Even 'small' clothes at GAP are tent-like.

Currently listening to: What Gives With You by Abraham.

Currently needing: more sleep.

Currently hating: everything theatrical.

Currently contemplating: using jury duty as an excuse to get out of said play. You can't argue with the judicial process, can you? Huh?

Currently feeling: suicidal. Not really.

Currently listening to: Goddess on a Highway by Mercury Rev.

Fare thee well, dear readers.


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