Yesterday, I had the best shift at the pub ever. Good staff, not too busy, gentle customers...
This evening , Federico and Jamie are coming around to supper. The German is hoping for some bedroom action (him and Jamie) but it's not going to happen, thankfully. I'll see to that. I could be such a mood killer, verily, the Anti-Viagra, when I want to be. If the German and Jamie need, erm, the 'bathroom' at the same time, I'll know why.
Currently listening to: Wild World by Beth Orton
It's been a bizarre day of music. I've been listening to songs I know well but sung by people who didn't popularise them. For example, Come on Eileen sung by The Cure rather than Dexy's Midnight Runners and Mad World sung by Gary Jules instead of Tears for Fears. The more recent versions are often better than the originals. Although, when it comes to films, sequels are rarely as good as the originals.
This weekend Mark K is in town for graduation! I can't tell you how thrilling this is for me. I miss Mark more than I thought I would. It's only been a few months since he left Oxford but it seems like ages. He is one of the 'nicest' people I know, and in his case, 'nice' doesn't = boring. We'd often meet up for coffee at 5 o'clock and 8 hours later find ourselves at Hassan's in Broad Street, barely able to stand but giggling like schoolgirls. Ah...good times.
His people are coming with him so I've been told to be on my best behaviour. We'll see...we shall see...
Now listening to: Damn I Wish I Was Your Lover by Sophie B Hawkins
Dampness. It's not a good thing. On Monday at pink drinks and G Bar, lots of the gays smelt damp. The damp smell in question results from clothes being left in the washing machine after they've been washed (I do this quite often). The only way to get rid of the smell is to re-wash them. This fact seems to be eluding the gays. Everywhere I turned, I'd be confronted with the stench of dampness. I do NOT have a sniffing fetish but the room was so tightly packed, I couldn't help but sniff people as I passed.
It's raining and I don't have an umbrella or a jacket. Fuck.
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