What a freak...
"Responsible BloggingI take the stand that as Christians, we must be responsible in our speech and actions. This applies to Blogs as well.We are injuncted to love our neighbours as ourselves. To love is to act deliberately in the best interest of the other party. Our neighbours are all who are reasonably proximate enough to be affected by our speech and action (or lack thereof). Clearly, anyone who read our blogs are our neighbours, as they can be affected by what you post online.As such, we must always be cautious that when we interact with our neighbours, the following applies:1. For Christians, we are to interact in an encouraging and loving manner to build up in their faith.2. For Non-Christians, we are to interact in a wise and godly manner to glorify God and share the Gospel.Hence, in a Christian's Blog, one must also be cautious in what they say (see James about taming the tongue). It is not a place to exercise a freedom of speech. It is a place to exercise your responsibility in speech. So we need to encourage other Christians instead of simply listing your grouses and affecting the audience. As for non-Christians, who are always looking for laugh fodder or an excuse to malign Christians or to remain as non-Christians, our blogs must glorify God and bring the Gospel of Jesus to them.As such, I find some of the youths' blogs to be extremely irresponsible in simply stating whatever that come to their heads, under the banner of "I write what I want, if you don't like what you see shoot" or "I am exercising my universal freedom of speech" and the like. (I shall not delve into they alleged freedom for I do not think that such assertion hold any water.) It is irresponsible towards both Christians and non-Christians alike. More so, it is self-ish and self-seeking and self-righteous and self-justifying to simply blog without considering consequences. When so much "self" is involved, it's hardly loving anymore as it is not about others.Even criticisms of others fails the "plank in the eye test" as expounded by Jesus in Matthew 7:3-5. "They don't sing!" - do you worship God with your lives? "They don't take God's word seriously" - do you obey God's Word in every aspect of your lives? "They don't welcome newcomers!" - do perpetuate cliques and refuse to let others in your tightly knit group of friends? Please remove the tree trunk in your eye before you proceed to remove that splint in your friend's!May the leaders be patient and wise to instruct them gently."
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