And so, there's this thing...: Losing sucks, man...

Monday, August 22, 2005

Losing sucks, man...

and lose is what we did in City of Oxford Regatta. We lost to Linacre, Wolfson and HSBC. Still, it's the taking part that counts, not whether you win or lose. That's the biggest load of shit I've ever heard.

The weekend was glorious, weather-wise. Both Saturday and Sunday were glorious rowing days. The sun was shining, the river was still, fit people in rowing doesn't get much better.

Friday: the German and I entertained a couple of friends (Patty and Christian). I made a DELICIOUS pear, Stilton and celery soup, the German made vegetarian goulash (Delia's recipe) and we both made a chocolate cake. The soup and cake were a huge success, the goulash less so. If you've never eaten raw potatoes, don't bother. They are fucking revolting. The only problem is that the cake seems to have given me the shits. I've been ringing Patty and Christian every few hours since Friday to ask if they too are suffering from the shits. But no. Their bowel function remains unaffected. Bastards. Christian is very sweet. He's from Boston but is in Oxford doing a DPhil in economics. I think, he might be dirty though. Anyway, the German's boyfriend came up from London and we sat around talking and discussing Mo Mowlam until 4am. We also discovered that trying to work out currency conversion rates for random currencies is great fun when you're pissed.

Worked at the pub on Saturday night and was chatted up by an older woman. She kept buying me drinks and asking what I was doing after work. As I was rowing early the next morning, I said I was going home to bed. "Such a shame to sleep alone," was her reply. Fuck. How was I going to get out of this tricky situation without jeopardising the steady flow of drinks? Why oh why, can't attractive people say such things to me? They wouldn't even need to buy me a drink. I'd buy them a fucking drink. MANY drinks even. But no. I always get the repellent ones. The bint in question was quite frightening. The words 'mutton', 'dressed' and 'lamb' sprang to mind when I saw her.

Sunday was spend rowing in the morning followed by a boozy lunch at Branca (my favourite restaurant in Oxford, should any of my readers want to take me there sometime). I went with Patty who is HILARIOUS. Patty is from Taiwan but grew up in New York and Paris. She was at Columbia before coming to Oxford where she's doing a PhD on the trade in small arms (weapons, not midgets) in Africa. She's being funded by the UN or something equally ridiculously impressive. Anyway, the purpose of lunch was so I could meet her lovely Italian boyfriend who was also at Columbia but is starting at the LSE in October.

Gorgonzola does not belong on a pizza.

Nouvelle Vague. Great band. I've had the album on repeat since, like, Sunday.

Sunday, I went to a barbecue in Magdalen College. It was the swankiest barbecue EVER. It was catered. It was fucking catered...only at Magdalen...

Work has been crazy busy. I've had to bring Canadia forward, so I'm now flying out on Wednesday (Aug 24th) instead of September 14. I'm flying on US Air and I'm not terribly pleased about this. I'm a big fan of British Airways but the fuckers seem to have put the prices up by around 50%. The steward/esses seem to be on a mission to get you pissed on flights and they're always up for a laugh which they don't seem to be on other airlines. Anyway, I'll be back in ye olde Englande on September 5.

My Jaffa Cake addiction is spiraling out of control. I really should buy shares in McVities. I'm also alarmingly fond of lemon curd, especially the Duchy of Cornwall range (produced by HRH the Prince of Wales, no less). Charles and I go waaaayyy back, having been at Trinity together. About 30 years apart, but still...

Things I miss about Cambridge:

-not buses/cars in the centre of town
-not risking life and limb everytime I mounted my bike
-Clare College gardens
-punting along The Backs
-Nadia's and Peppercorns
-Dogfish (the BEST shop in Cambridge)
-old friends
-formal halls (just not as much fun in Oxford)
-May Week
-the UL
-the phantom defecator in the UL
-Emmanuel College bar
-King's College cafe
-evensong at Caius
-Fopp (for cheap music)

Currently listening to: Politic Amagni by Amadou + Mariam

Saw 'Crash' this evening. Depressing film.


Blogger Unknown said...

The strange wood-selling fellow has started whoring his wares on my blog now.

Crash was depressing, but I like films that don't have a happy ending. In fact, I was a bit upset that some characters escaped with their lives/relatives/relationships intact. The more people crying in the cinema the better. Fools.

1:39 PM  

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