And so, there's this thing...: Footwear...

Tuesday, August 09, 2005


Once again, my favourite Canadian newspaper is printing shit. It is advising Canadia's menfolk to wear leather flip-flops/slides. That is just wrong. Leather flip-flops are not stylish. They are favoured by greasy-haired, gold chain-draped, tight jeans-wearing, Rolex-sporting gigolos (and those aspiring to those dizzy heights). They are not cool. They are not classy. They are not sexy. They do not make me hard. Oh no...they make me droop.

Last weekend, Rick came to Oxford to see me. We ate and drank and walked around looking at some of the many beautiful buildings in Oxford. Shoved him back on the Oxford Tube on Sunday and I spent the rest of the day gambolling around New College gardens, reading the Sunday papers and people-watching.

Had an outing in an 8 on the river at 7pm yesterday. It was good fun. Lots of starts and 500m pieces. We're training for the City of Oxford Regatta but really don't have a hope in hell. It's all good fun though. Yesterday, 1 of the two pleasant crew members was away so in his place, we had a sub from Linacre who was also pleasant. Or so I thought..."where are you from?" he asked. "Toronto", I replied. "Really? You sound very Cambridge." Twat. Cambridge? What's that supposed to mean?! I sound (as EVERYONE who isn't hard of hearing or a retard) will attest to...T R A N S A T L A N T I C.

Currently listening to: Life of Riley by The Lightning Seeds.

Currently wearing: kidney-bean coloured cords, white shirt with fine blue lines, reddish-brown boots. I look hot.

No really. I do.

Thanks to Conrad I now have a photograph. Hurrah!! Now my (no doubt, numerous) fans will be able to gaze adoringly and longingly at my chiseled features betwixt my random musings on here.

Conrad, if you're reading this (and how could you NOT be?), thanks, dude. I owe you.

Now listening to: Babies by Pulp.

Apparently, Mr Depp based his portrayal of Willy Wonka on Michael Jackson. I didn't really see it though as I've never seen Michael J interact with children. Rick suggested this but I discounted it as he lacks an Oxbridge education (KIDDING!) but I was forced to reconsider his opinion when someone else said the same thing. Damn. I hate being wrong.

Rick is off to NYC indefinitely for work. If you're in NYC and are reading this, get in touch with him (via me). He doesn't have any mates in London, let alone NYC. Ha,ha...not really.

Now listening to: Under Pressure by Queen and David Bowie. (I think it should be pronounced Boe-ey but everyone seems to pronounce it Bau-ey. Fucking morons.

I think my hair will get the chop this week. That way, if it looks heinous, it'll grow back before the start of Michaelmas.


Blogger OrlandoCatastrophic said...

Sweet Maps...have a look at MySpace.

6:52 AM  

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